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Intra family comparison results for family "GH38"

CAZyme Family structural clusters, ECs and Substrates

Structure Cluster(s)EC Number(s)Substrate(s)
SC_GH38_clus603.2.1.24host glycan
SC_GH38_clus733.2.1.114host glycan
SC_GH38_clus333.2.1.114host glycan
SC_GH38_clus183.2.1.24host glycan
SC_GH38_clus353.2.1.24host glycan
SC_GH38_clus83.2.1.114host glycan
SC_GH38_clus143.2.1.24host glycan
SC_GH38_clus983.2.1.24host glycan
SC_GH38_clus263.2.1.113| glycan
SC_GH38_clus1103.2.1.24host glycan
SC_GH38_clus393.2.1.24host glycan
SC_GH38_clus683.2.1.24host glycan
SC_GH38_clus493.2.1.113|3.2.1.-alpha-mannan|host glycan


Hierarchical Clustering of structural clusters with Dendrogram

Dendrogram Image (pdf) | Dendrogram Image (png) | Dendrogram Image (svg)

Heatmap of structural clusters (w/o Dendrogram) - Shown above interactive html

Dendrogram Image (html)

Heatmap of structural clusters (w/o Hierarchical clustering & Dendrogram)

Dendrogram Image (html)

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