Information for CAZyme ID: ADN14432.1
Basic Information
GenBank ID | ADN14432.1 |
Family | CBM48, GH13 |
Sequence Length | 546 |
UniProt ID | E0UGV1(100,100)![]() |
Average pLDDT? | 94.10 |
CAZy50 ID | 56090 |
CAZy50 Rep | No, AFZ34470.1 |
Structure Cluster | - |
EC Number(s) | - |
Substrates(s) | - |
Tax ID | 497965 |
Kingdom | Bacteria |
Phylum | Cyanobacteriota |
Class | Cyanophyceae |
Order | Chroococcales |
Family | Aphanothecaceae |
Genus | Gloeothece |
Species | Gloeothece verrucosa |
Protein Sequence: 90 < plddt <=100; 70 < plddt <= 90; 50 < plddt <= 70; 0 <= plddt <= 50; Download help
Predicted 3D structure by AlphaFold2 with pLDDT = 94.10 ; Download help
pLDDT is for per-residue accuracy of the structure, which representes the quality of the residue. A higher value indicates better prediction accuracy. More detail please see AlphaFold .
Residues were colored according to plddt ( blue-> high quality; red-> low quality ).
Carbohydrate binding residues Predicted by CAPSIF
Binding site residues are not predicted, since this is not a representative ID (CAZyme3D-ID50).
Full Sequence: AA; CE; PL; GH; GT; CBM; Download structure help
dbCAN3 predicted domain(s) : CBM48(5-78)+GH13(133-424)
Predicted CAZyme domains from dbCAN; Download help
Domains were colored according to CAZyme classification: (AA), (CE), (PL), (GH), (GT), (CBM), & (Null)
dbCAN3 server is a web server for automated Carbohydrate-active enzyme ANnotation.
dbCAN3 server integrates three state-of-the-art tools/databases for automated CAZyme annotation:
⋆HMMER search for CAZyme family annotation vs. dbCAN CAZyme domain HMM database
⋆DIAMOND search for BLAST hits in the CAZy database
⋆HMMER search for CAZyme subfamily annotation vs. dbCAN-sub HMM database of CAZyme subfamilies (derived from eCAMI classification of CAZyDB families)
For more details, please see dbCAN3.